LangChain: Powering Applications with Large Language Models (LLMs)

Yuvraj Rathva
3 min readAug 30, 2023


LangChain, an innovative open-source framework, promises developers the ability to harness the capabilities of LLMs for creating advanced applications. In today’s post, we’ll delve into what LangChain encompasses and how it’s changing the game for developers and users alike.

What is LangChain?

LangChain equips developers with the tools to construct applications enhanced by Large Language Models (LLMs). Its primary draw is its ability to introduce context and memory into LLM completions, enabling applications to achieve user goals directly.

Consider the myriad buttons on software like Microsoft Word; each represents an atomic function. Traditional interaction often requires users to perform several atomic functions to achieve a broader goal. But LangChain combines context with available functions and user requests, circumventing the need for step-by-step actions.

Demystifying Large Language Models (LLMs)

Before diving deeper, let’s understand LLMs. Falling under Natural Language Processing (NLP), these deep learning-based models, like transformers, boast millions of parameters, enhancing their performance on NLP tasks. As these models grew, demanding more parameters, an extensive data corpus, and robust computing infrastructure, they became known as large language models.

Integrating with LLMs

Wrappers and Prompts

To utilize LLMs, developers use wrappers designed specifically for OpenAI’s GPT models. LangChain introduces “PromptTemplates” which dynamically alter prompts according to user input.


Chains empower developers to amplify the functionality of PromptTemplates. Think of chains as composite functions; they allow seamless integration between PromptTemplates and LLMs. With chains, it’s possible to pass results from one to another, facilitating complex operations and goal achievements.

Embeddings, Vector Stores, and Memory

LangChain uses a text splitter function to divide large datasets (like a 50-page PDF) into manageable chunks. These chunks are embedded and stored as vectorized data, ensuring efficient and relevant querying. This capability is crucial for LLMs to reference entire databases, providing users with updated, accurate answers.

On the memory front, while LLMs are stateless, chatbots appear to retain past interactions because we furnish the LLM with conversational history. LangChain offers various memory types:

  • ConversationBufferMemory: Retains the entire conversation.
  • ConversationBufferWindowMemory: Remembers only the last ‘k’ messages.
  • ConversationTokenBufferMemory: Token limit.
  • ConversationSummaryMemory: Generates a summary instead of storing raw data.

Additionally, LangChain supports:

  • Vector data memory: Stores text in a vector database.
  • Entity memories: Retains specific data, such as details about a person.

These memories can be combined for a richer user experience.

Advanced Chains and Methods

LangChain provides multiple chain types and methods:

  • SimpleSequentialChain and SequentialChain: Linear sequences of input and output
  • RouterChain: Dynamically selects a chain based on input.

Methods to consider:

  • Stuff method: Consolidate documents and use them as prompts.
  • Map_reduce: Processes chunks in parallel and compiles results.
  • Refine: Iteratively processes documents, building on previous answers.
  • Map_rerank: Rates document relevance.

Evaluation and Agents

LangChain’s evaluation generates sample questions and answers using LLMs. The powerful “Agent” component decides on the right tool or chain for specific tasks, autonomously completing sequences of tasks. The creation flow is: make tools, make an agent, and pass questions to the agent.


LangChain simplifies the intricacies of data science, making it accessible to a wider audience. Tools like LangChain are paving the way for a more integrated, effective, and intelligent digital landscape as we move toward a world where AI and machine learning will rule.

Happy Coding !

